Upaksham Ramteke
Chief Executive Editor
Bhisi (Chandrapur District) – The increasing incidents of deforestation in the state are having a serious impact on the environment. A shocking incident of journalists being threatened while getting information about tree felling took place today around 1 to 2 pm in the Mouja Paradpar area under the Bhisi Forest Department.
Bhisi Forest Range Forester Santosh Autkar threatened the journalists who exposed the tree felling in abusive language right on the spot. This incident has raised a big question mark on the functioning of the Forest Department, and Pradeep Ramteke, the Chief Editor of Dhakhal News Bharat Web Portal and Vidarbha office bearer of Maharashtra State Journalists Association, has demanded strict action against Santosh Autkar.
Tree felling has increased, is the Forest Department oblivious?
Illegal tree felling is going on on a large scale in the Bhisi area, and the reality has come to light that only some officers and employees of the Forest Department are protecting this tree felling.
Why are the Forest Department officials silent despite providing information in this regard is a big question.
It is known that 2 trucks of goods under illegal wood felling were safely moved to Nagpur with the blessings of the Bhisi Forest Department. Since no action is being taken despite journalists repeatedly informing about this, suspicion is getting deeper.
In some places in the Bhisi area, trees are being cut down day and night, and theft of other types and valuable timber is rampant.
There is talk of local political interference in this matter, and even though trucks are being loaded with wood and transported many times, the forest department is not taking any action. On the contrary, those who are exposing this are being threatened.
Threats to journalists who report on tree felling….
For the past few days, some journalists had focused on the incidents of tree felling. As soon as the information about the tree felling was received, journalist Kewal Singh Juni reached the spot.
After Forest Inspector Kishore Deulkar was informed by Editor Pradeep Ramteke on his mobile phone that the felled trees were being loaded into the truck, Forester Santosh Autkar, who was stationed there, came as per his suggestion. While journalist Kewal Singh Juni was informing him that the tree felling and the truck loaded with trees had just left, Forester Santosh Autkar threatened him and said, “Don’t talk nonsense, otherwise I will lock you in.”
This clearly shows that the mafias that cut down trees are getting their protection and are trying to suppress those who are spreading the news about this matter.
Putting such pressure on journalists is an attack on the fourth pillar of democracy. The continuous suppression of the media in a democracy is an alarm bell. Therefore, a demand will be made to take strict action against Santosh Autkar.
Misappropriation of lakhs through tree felling?
According to the information given by the locals, trees worth lakhs of rupees have been illegally cut down in the Bhisi forest area in the last few months. The wood of these trees is being sent out in trucks. Recently, while a big truck was being loaded with wood, the journalists were taking pictures of it and the truck disappeared in a few moments.
The question arises as to who ordered this truck to be driven away? Who is the owner of the truck? If the forest department was alert, how did this truck disappear? Only if all these questions are answered, the truth can come out.
Dismiss Forester Santosh Autkar from service!
It is understood that there are already many complaints against Santosh Autkar. He has been accused of negligence in preventing tree felling. Therefore, local citizens and environmental organizations have demanded that he be immediately investigated and dismissed from service.
Corruption and inaction are seen in many places in the Forest Department. Action should be taken against the officers and employees who are negligent while trees are being felled. Otherwise, this rampant tree felling will not stop.
The government and administration should pay attention…
It takes many years for a tree to grow, but it is slaughtered in a few hours. The government and administration should pay serious attention to this situation and stop putting pressure on journalists and take strict action against those concerned by going to the root of the tree felling. Senior officials of the Forest Department should do this, as the illegal tree felling incident is telling.
This incident in Bhisi is an attempt to strangle environmental protection and journalism. If officials like forest ranger Santosh Autkar are supporting those who are cutting down trees, then this is a serious matter. Therefore, there is a need to conduct a thorough investigation into this entire matter, immediately suspend the responsible officials and take concrete steps to stop the cutting of trees.