Democracy is not just for elections……
It is a process for the permanent all-round progress of us and the coming generation..
Labor class….
That is, the class that struggles to live by doing daily work or doing whatever work is available is the labor class….
They say there is democracy in this country, they say that in democracy everyone has equal opportunity to live, equal opportunity for development, then why is my miserable situation like this for the last 75 years in the democracy that came after the independence of the country?
Different political parties, various organizations have come and gone in the last 75 years. When elections come, they rise like an umbrella in the rainy season and immediately after the elections are over, they are like they were again. I am only being used. I do not get work every day.
Therefore, it is becoming impossible for me to run the house. Let alone the health and education of my children, I cannot even feed them with a healthy diet by working with self-respect. I have to live helplessly. So this is democracy….?
If I cannot live with self-respect, if I cannot find work, if I do not get paid for my essential needs, but instead, out of desperation, I have to lie and deceive people, and sometimes even steal, and my head does not work to understand this democracy, this government, this system, so if I go under the influence of alcohol or drugs and ruin my life with my own hands, what is my fault in that?
This democratic system, that is, the central and state governments, would have run the affairs of the country and the state 100% on the basis of the Constitution for the last 75 years. If Article 47 had been implemented 100%, if alcohol had not been manufactured, then the world that is being destroyed today would not have happened. That would not have happened!
Then the freedom fighters and great men of my country built the country through the struggle of sacrifice and sacrifice…
If the time has come for me to expose my life due to inflation, unemployment, ideological confusion, addiction, and the brink of suicide, then what is my fault for living in a democracy?
My life, the life of the country, and the state have been ruined by these politicians of equal, equal, equal and equal politics. Will these leaders who have been elected as MLAs many times till now, those who were not elected by their fathers be mine?
I will not vote for such sleazy and sleazy candidates. No matter how much he gives or shows me any bait, I will not vote for such a strong former MLA. On the contrary, the well-educated, young men and women of the new generation, even if they are independent, there is no problem.
Those who have no criminal record. A candidate who has been contesting elections for the last 10/15 years. But he still did not get a chance, he did not give up social work because he did not get a chance, he continued to work selflessly. I will vote for such a candidate. That too without expecting anything from him……
I will give him my vote which is more valuable than my life….
The above determination of the working class can determine the right direction of Maharashtra democracy….
This constitution is for us, the people of India. And it is for us to enact and adopt it….
Then this responsibility is mine and I am responsible for it. That is why Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar gave me the right to secret ballot which is more valuable than my life. It has been given to me…..
Then I will exercise this right to vote responsibly for my country, for my democracy, for my constitution, not only for the permanent progress of my future generation but also for the future. (Everyone should take this decision)…..
The right to vote is a future and today’s responsibility and duty of all of us and we should fulfill it…..
Request:- Everyone should upload all the posts of voting awareness from today to 20th November on as many WhatsApp groups and Mo. No. in their mobile every day and make them viral….
Writer and challenger of awareness