Which of the following words is correct?
1) Native + Inhabitant = Native
2) Native + Inhabitant = Native
3) Aboriginal + Inhabitant = Aboriginal
4) Tribe + Tribe = Tribe
5) Wild + Indigo = Wild
6) Indigo + Indigo = Indigo
1) Native :-
Native is made up of two words. Native + Indigo means Place and Indigo means People who have lived there since the beginning and who have neither come from anywhere nor have settled there permanently.
For example:- The Red Indians of America are the original inhabitants of America. They have neither left America nor come to America from anywhere else.
2) Native Residents (Inhabitants) ..
Native is made up of two words. Native means place and resident means someone who comes and lives in a place
For example:- If we go to America to work and work there for five to ten years and get a green card there. This means that if we get citizenship there, we can become native residents of America but not natives. Because the natives of America there are Red Indians!
Native (Inhabitant)
is related to immigrant and citizen.
3) Aboriginal.
The word Aboriginal is formed from two words, Adi means first and Vasi means living in that area, thus Aboriginal means people living in that area from the beginning, i.e. people living in that area from the beginning.
For example:- In any refugee country, those who live in the area (Immigrants country) and then other people started living in that country or area. Such a human group is the first to live in India in the present day, the adivasis who started living and living in this country from the beginning. They are called Aboriginal.
4) Tribes …
The word Tribe is formed from two words. Jan means People and Caste means the identification of a person by caste.
The caste of a person (people) i.e. the human race was divided into three levels.-
1) High
2) Middle
3) Low
In Tribes, it is not determined whether this human race is low, middle or high. It was only said that this is a caste of people, not animals. Of course, these are not animals
5)Vanvasi (Wild)…
Vanvasi is made up of two words, Van + Vasi Van means forest and Vasi means a person who lives in a place Vanvasi means a person who lives in the forest
Those who live in the forest
Wild animals (animals) are humans, not humans
Because humans, human tribes, live in villages, towns, cities in the forest, not in the forest. In the forest, animals like lions, tigers, leopards, bears, deer etc. live in the forest (in the forest).
But humans spend their lives in human society in cities and villages.
6)Indhu Vans (Indigenous)…
The Sindhu Vans is made up of two words. Sindhu + Vansh
Sindhu,(Indus + Vansh Genous) = Indusgenoud The Indus River is called Indus in English and Vansh is called Genous in English, and these two words together gave rise to the word Indigenous.
Because the British dictionary had created a Latin word corpus before. And in the Latin word corpus, the people of the most ancient and developed Indus Valley Civilization, which developed on the banks of the Indus River, were called Indusgenous.
And on this basis, the Indus tribe was called Indigenous in the British English word corpus.
The word India has been derived from the Latin word…
Indigenous. It means that the people of the Indus tribe, i.e. the place where the people of the Indus tribe live or the people living on the banks of the Indus River, the human race was called Indian.
The United Nations (UNO) started …
International Day Of The World Indigenous Peoples on 9 August 1994.
So that the people of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization of the world and their traditional culture can be protected and nurtured.
The Indus Valley Civilization is the oldest (oldest) and most developed civilization in the world. Therefore, the people of the Indus Valley Civilization were the first to reach every part of the world for thousands of years.
Before the Aryans invaded India, when the world was not even divided into seven continents, the people of the Indus Valley Civilization are found in every corner of the earth.
Whose genes (hereditary carriers) have been tested long ago. That is why the people of the Indus Valley Civilization of the world are called Indigenous.
Some people who have fallen on their heads consider the advanced civilized Indus Valley Civilization to be Hindu culture!
Milind Wankhade
Rita, Shipping Corporation of India, Mumbai…
Date. 26/10/2024 Saturday