Why and for what the awareness of the Constitution of India?…  — Why oppose EVM+VVPAT and for what?

Why and for what the awareness of the Constitution of India?…

 — Why oppose EVM+VVPAT and for what?


     Why awareness of the Constitution of India (written by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar) and for what?


  Why oppose EVM +VVPAT and for what …..?

 — The answer is as follows…

 Second half…

         In the last 5000 years of world ancient history it has been proved that no other political system except democratic system of government can save the world from destruction.

          Monarchy, Dictatorship, Feudalism, Priesthood based on religion, Communism, Military rule, etc. The world experienced all forms of power. But, in any form, they failed to protect life, let alone establish and invent the natural fundamental rights of the last citizen, namely liberty, equality, justice and fraternity.

         But after the Second World War, in order to avoid the destruction of the world, a democratic country like the United States took the initiative through UNO to establish a democracy that was invented in the Greek and Indus civilizations, where 100% democracy existed about 5000 years ago. Therefore, at least until now, this democracy has been successful in delaying the third and world final nuclear war.

      But, now, once again, from this democracy, the dictatorship has raised its face everywhere in the world to destroy the earth itself. Such is the overall global and national picture.

            Thus, there is no point in people holding the naïve hope that any political and administrative will will try to bring out at least Indian democracy rather than, say, world democracy in the danger zone.

               But, in such a situation, we can save the country and the world through the awareness and action of the Indian Constitution. This ray of hope is still shining!

          Indian parliamentary democracy has given us the constitution of international standard, scientific + rationalist = humanist India. Moreover, the constitution also challenged the responsibility of deepening and inventing it beyond politics and caste religion.

           It is the Constitution which has given us (Indian people) the right to fundamental freedoms from Articles 12 to 32. And the right that stands at the highest place among these fundamental rights of freedom is…

 Right to Vote…

        The right by which we can change the government after every five years at our will and bring in a suitable government.

         That is, the constitution determined that only the people’s right to vote can save the democracy and the constitution.

           For that, the constitutional and moral responsibility of protecting the fundamental right of these people has been entrusted to the Election Commission by Article 324 to 329.

         But in the 75-year history of the journey of implementation of the last constitution, as the Election Commission was realized by the will of the political parties, the main Election Commission became a slave to this diplomacy till the time of 2024.

     Therefore, the political system here tried its best to take away the right to vote and take remote control of the people.

              The then government and the Election Commission introduced EVMs as booths were capturing the elections which were being conducted on ballot paper first. This is where the defeat of democracy and disenfranchisement began.

         Had the government exercised the baton of law (like TN Seshan) against the tyranny of booth capturing, EVMs would never have entered our country.

            In the early days, this EVM was also appreciated by the public and a technological revolutionary change. However, the then opposition leader Dr. Subranyam Swamy wrote a 100-page book on the same EVM and raised doubts and questions. LK Advani raised that side in the Parliament. But then the eyebrows of the people were raised. There will be no need to do it, so the public kept silent.

           However, when the opposition party came to power in 2014, they were not ready to raise even a single word against this EVM. That’s when people suspected that there was something wrong with this EVM and it was for the benefit of the ruling party. Therefore, even if the ruling party sits in the opposition party, if we come to power, we can stay in power for many years with the help of her. So why should we oppose her? So the opposition parties are not even supporting the people’s fight let alone opposing EVMs, or fighting on the streets against it. This is the reality.!

     Look, all over the world this EVM has been kicked by the experience of all the democratic countries…..

           Moreover, despite many lawyers and public giving thousands of proofs of EVM rigging in the 2023 and 2024 elections, the Election Commission remains silent. Moreover, the Supreme Court remains silent.

        This means clearly that this entire diplomatic system, in the Yenken way, is going on to create a revolution by taking away the right of people to vote through EVMs and ending the democracy here and re-imposing the 100-year-old Peshwa slavery of the RSS on this country…..

 That is why our Indian people come to


 Opposition to!….

         For that, the mental and physical preparation of the Maharashtrian people to do whatever it takes in the assembly elections of Maharashtra.

      Which ray of hope, which shines, or what is the mental and physical preparation for this question?

         Answer and answer this question in tomorrow’s episode…

    Author of Awakening

         Anant kerbaji Bhavare

 Constitution Analyst, Aurangabad, Renapurkar, 7875452689..