Why and for what the awareness of the Constitution of India (written by Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar)?   — and why oppose EVM +VVPAT and for what?  The answer is as follows in the foreword….  — first half…

Why and for what the awareness of the Constitution of India (written by Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar)?

  — and why oppose EVM +VVPAT and for what?

 –The answer is as follows in the foreword….

 — first half…

          “Two powers, not only in the country but in the world, have been facing each other for nearly 5000 years. One power is diplomacy.

        So the second is Scientism + Rationalism = Humanism’s rationality.

      Of these two powers, one political power is born out of an inhuman, artificial demonic ego, and its immoral principles are based on the immoral principles of sama, dama, danda, danda and bheda.

          While rationalism is born from the philosophy of natural laws, its moral values are based on the basic principle of freedom, equality, justice and fraternity.

            Diligence originates in a corrupt brain that kills the heart and is encouraged by the excesses of drug abuse, increasing the ‘demon instinct’ in man.

        On the contrary, conscience, springing from the innocent heart provided by nature, becomes the lifeblood that promotes humanism.

      Conscientiousness gives rise to bloodless revolution through evolution, while diplomacy directly and indirectly compels it to do so by supporting and encouraging bloody counter-revolution to encourage revolution.

         This is the difference between these two opposing forces, one constructive and the other destructive. Moreover, the conflict between these two powers is globalized in the Yenken way. S. From the first reformist revolution of 2350 BC to the present day.

         In the constructive power lies the correct thought and aim and goal of how the welfare of the entire living world can be achieved with the help of the non-living world.

       On the other hand, on the strength of the brain provided by nature (except for the heart), human beings should enslave all other living beings, finally by creating a distinction between high and low in human beings, by making them helpless, by enslaving them like other animals, we should become omnipotent. Make everyone your slave. Similarly in other countries of the world

        This “diplomacy” has the power to encourage and reinforce this mindset by creating a “sophisticated” subculture (both diplomacy and sophisticated subculture have the same meaning, purpose and goal).

       Hence, the struggle between minority and majority has been going on in the world for about 5000 years till today.

    The conflict between these two powers first emerged from the American Revolution of 1776 in the Arvachin period. The seeds of the conflict between England and America are in imperialism. The creation of imperialism is that one nation makes another weak nation its slave. That is, the meaning of this culture is included in the first bloody revolution of the Arvachin period.

         In the first bloody conflict between America and England in this ancient era, although there was an attempt to establish the basic values of democracy, ie liberty, equality, justice and fraternity, but the method of establishing this revolution was stained with blood, and this revolution also lasted only 75 years. South and North America were formed after the fall of America. But at this time, a democratic great man like Abraham Lincoln made a successful effort to save democracy. Although there was a bloody battle until the war was calmed down in the beginning, this America did not apply the stain of blood, how democratic values. Efforts were made by emphasizing that inventions can be made. From then until today, not 100%, but compared to the world, America has made the most efforts.

     After this revolution, the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the First World War and the Second World War and all the other bloodsheds in the world have been shed solely and exclusively by the struggle between diplomacy and rationality, that is, between the minority and the majority.

        The revolution of this Arvachin era has made it clear that democratic values, i.e. freedom, equality, justice and fraternity, can never be established and invented from the bloody ground.

 But these values are…

       Tathagata Lord Buddha attained enlightenment and established and invented them without shedding blood from Dhammakranti.

 And on this basis…

 Dr. By Babasaheb Ambedkar….

     He defined democracy as “bringing radical changes in the economic and social life of the people, but without shedding a single drop of blood. Such imperial democracy” is…

      That is why Tathagata’s Dhammakranti and Babasaheb’s constitutional revolution can save democracy.

      The country needs awareness of the constitution and its innovativeness…

 (Note :- Second part of this article in tomorrow’s part..)

   Author of Awakening

       Anant kerbaji Bhavare

 Constitution Analyst, Aurangabad, Renapurkar, 7875452689