“The medium has enslaved us. . . .
Film Industry, Literary (Poets, Writers, Novelists, ), Print and Electronic Media, Plays, Singers, Economists, Etc. Social Scientist, Etc. Social Media.
He has played a role as a mirror of the society till date. But this role was never accepted by democracy and is not…
Because all these media were created in democracy to inculcate the democratic values of freedom, equality, justice and fraternity based on natural justice to the last element of the society (beyond caste, religion, politics and even the last citizen of the country). (Members of any House), Executive (Any Government), Judiciary (Administrative Tribunals and Independent Judiciary) from time to time to make them aware of the Constitutional and Moral Duties (if they go astray) Media was, is and will remain..
However, in the last 60 years, if we examine the extent to which these media have been aware of their constitutional and moral duties, it can be seen that they have not made much progress compared to other democratic countries. We don’t know why we were created in democracy…
And instead of saying that today’s journalism is the slaves of the rulers, the ruling and opposition political parties and the capitalists themselves have created the print and electronic media, so the tyagi and the struggling journalists are doing their duty by taking the shelter of the social media YouTube channel…
But 99•99% of Journalism today has become corrupt, corrupt and impotent in the year 2024. Living only by blackmailing corrupt chartered officers and employees and at the benevolence of corrupt political leaders and political parties…
It is as if the political leaders’ monkey dances, their volatile comments to entertain the slave masses, and to keep them from humming or humming despite the inflation and unemployment.
Similarly, even if there is a burning sensation in the stomach, T. Serials on V., videos on YouTube, watching scenes from movies, watching and listening to interesting news, forgetting about hunger, even taking drugs on occasion…
The media that creates such a mentality of the society has been created today in the period of 2024.
This medium has been created to prevent the society from becoming rational by analyzing truth – falsehood, skilled – unskilled, good – bad, true – false. Such an illusion has been created by the system here…
And the media here is working day and night to create a complementary environment for this system.
So we (Indian people) are slaves and do not realize slavery..
“Make the slave aware of slavery, so that he will not remain without revolt.”
— Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar…
The basic question is how to prove the order of the great man above successfully through experiment?
I am trying my best……..
You too…
Author of Awakening
Anant kerbaji Bhavare
Constitution Analyst, Aurangabad, Renapurkar, 7875452689..