The intensity of pain and sensation varies with time.
Relevancy does not identify the two things. Because what exactly is suffering? It cannot be understood without understanding the inner and outer mind.
Of course, human beings need to know that sensation and pain are the basis of human life.
If pain and sensation are not recognized or identified, the true core of suffering will not be known.
And if you don’t know the true core of suffering, you won’t know Dhamma.. What exactly is the Dhamma of Tathagata Lord Gautama Buddha?
The definition of Varapangi Dhamma is to try to inculcate it in the people’s mind, which means to distance the citizens from the original Tathagata Lord Gautama Buddha’s Dhamma.
One who is disordered…
Without understanding the disorders of the inner and outer mind, how can one fully understand all the good Dhamma of the Tathagata Lord Gautama Buddha?
Your humble
Pradeep Ramteke
— Editor-in-Chief Dakhl News India…
— Executive President State of Maharashtra,” N. World Human Rights Organization India..
— Vidarbha Pradesh Nagpur Divisional Vice President Maharashtra State Journalist Association Mumbai….