Pradeep Ramteke
Chief Editor
Chimur :-
While the illegal mining of sand and pimples is going on rampantly in Chimur taluka, the continuous inexcusable and extreme neglect of the concerned officials and employees is giving sleep to the citizens.
The deliberate neglect of the illegal mining of sand and mud raises several questions on the concerned officers and employees of Chimur taluka.
At the same time, since the role of officials and employees of Chimur taluk is questionable in the case of illegal mining, now there is a doubt that what will the thieves doing illegal mining do with their own hands?
“Yes,” it is hard to believe, but there is an illegal mining gang of Kharbo Rupees active in Chimur taluka, the biggest misfortune of the citizens of this taluka is that the said gang is not noticed by the officials and employees of Chimur taluka.
“Through illegal mining, crores of rupees of revenue, sand and dirt are being sunk by thieves, while the concerned officials and employees are sleeping soundly, what are the exact secrets?”
Be it road works or any kind of work, sand and gravel are required. Sand and gravel are supplied for these works.
Along with this, sand is being supplied outside the district from Chimur taluka. There are some sand thieves who are seen supplying sand in other districts by means of trucks, trucks and tractors.
Should the officials and employees of Chimur taluka be ignorant of the fact that they are not aware of the illegal mining of sand and mud?
When there is no sand ghat auction under Chimur taluka, should the Chief Minister of Maharashtra State give direct attention to prevent the theft of sand from this taluka? It would be better if the officers and employees of Chimur taluka openly told this.