Pradeep Ramteke
Chief Editor
Manoj Jarange Patil has shown to the Maratha community and all the social groups of the country including the state of Maharashtra that without a transparent yearning for the welfare of the society, a good struggle cannot be fought and the struggle cannot be given the right direction.
The Maratha community is its own family and one must strive for the long-term development and protection of this whole family, rather a long battle must be fought for the welfare of the entire Maratha society. should be taken.
Manoj Jarange Patil, who quits education, sells his own farm, works as a laborer and works in private jobs, is the right direction of the Maratha movement and there is unmistakable clarity in leadership qualities for the sake of the overall Maratha society.
The rulers have realized that a patient and self-confident leadership is not wavering and unstable and distracted is not a weak one.
Due to this, after the death fast of Manoj Jarange Patil of Mauja Antarwali Sarati in Jalna district, the feet of the rulers of Maharashtra state are unsteady for the time being.
Give reservation to the entire Maratha community! This issue is not Manoj Jarange Patil’s issue now but a few years ago, it becomes clear that political concealment and political intrigue are the reasons for not giving reservation to the Maratha community.
If the Maratha community wants to give reservation, seriousness would have been shown in time by going to the core of the reservation and passing the Maratha reservation bill through a charter in the Maharashtra State Assembly-Legislative Assembly and in the Lok Sabha-Rajya Sabha within the country of India in relation to Maratha reservation through legal channels and by conducting a caste-wise census to determine the population of the Maratha community in the state of Maharashtra. Residence would have been brought forward.
However, the charter route of democracy has taken the Maratha reservation issue to the court instead of taking it to the court. It was necessary to adopt the charter route for the reservation issue of the entire Maratha community, including the Maharashtra State Legislative Council and the Marathas in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha within the country of India. It was necessary to complete the legal process after approving the reservation bill.
The Maratha reservation issue could not survive in the Supreme Court because the Maharashtra rulers did not do the necessary legal process regarding the Marathi reservation.
Manoj Jarange Patil’s role..
Manoj Jarange Patil, without believing in any kind of words of the rulers, said, “The decision taken by Manoj Jarange Patil to fight a war across Maratha reservation is wrong, only liars and loopholes, who have no dealings with society, selfish and mean people can say that it is wrong.
Manoj Jarange Patil should learn from Manoj Jarange Patil that the charter and legal battle fought to achieve the highest interest of the Maratha community has now turned in the right direction.
Manoj Jarange Patil is working hard for the welfare of the whole Maratha community, it would be better if the rulers knew early that this is their heartfelt duty towards the society…
Manoj Jarange Patil is neither power-hungry nor wealth-hungry, so the Maharashtra rulers are not able to defeat him and his society.
No faith in the rulers of Maharashtra…
Even after 45 days, the Maharashtra government could not withdraw the wrongful crimes registered against him and the women of the village during his hunger strike at Antarwali Sarati,” So, how can we trust them? This issue of Manoj Jarange Patil is very poignant and equally heart-wrenching.
If Manoj Jarange Patil somehow feels that the rulers of Maharashtra state are playing with the sentiments of the Maratha community, what is his fault?
If the Maratha community is helping and coming forward to fight for the benefit of its own community, the rest have no right to talk about their help and unity.
Rather than talking…
The Maratha community is also a part of this country, it is the original resident, it is necessary for the rulers to make necessary efforts and cooperation to give reservation to this part.
Manoj Jarange Patil’s suggestive words that their words cannot be trusted as the rulers have adopted a time-consuming policy till now, force the rulers to act, it cannot be said that the role of Manoj Jarange Patil is wrong.
Home Minister also. Devendra Fadnavis had said that give the power of the state of Maharashtra in our hands, giving reservation to all the communities in six months. Where did his promise go?
Will the rulers talk about this?