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            The Union Budget 2024 is an ever bursting bubble of false economic growth.

          There is a valid formula for economic development. A country whose budget share is more than defense is spent on education. The cultural progress of that country is developing. Then it gradually progresses towards development.

          The budget of 2022-23 which has been presented by the Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, according to the data, the budget of 39 lakh 44 thousand 909 crore rupees was presented. Out of this, the declared expenditure on defense was around Rs 3 lakh 15 thousand 592 crore and the expenditure on education was Rs 1 lakh 7 thousand 278 crore.

             Similarly, in the budget of 2022-23 itself, the fiscal deficit, i.e., the difference between expenditure over revenue, was 7•6%. That is, if the income of our country is considered to be 39 lakh 44 thousand 909 crore rupees in this year, then 7•6 percent of this i.e. 2 lakh 99 thousand 813 crore rupees was more expenditure than the income of the country. 

            And now the 2024 budget of 48 lakh 21 thousand crore rupees has been presented by the same finance minister. In it, 4 lakh 54 thousand 773 crore rupees have been presented for the defense department. That means 9•43% of the total budget will be spent on defence.

       Moreover, 1 lakh 25 thousand 638 crore rupees will be spent on education in the same year 2024-25. That means only 2•6% of the total budget is being spent on education.

        Moreover, this year’s fiscal deficit is also on a rising graph as compared to 2022-23. (Its data may have been released but it has not come to my study yet) This year’s loan interest amount is also 27% of the total budget i.e. 13 lakh 1 thousand 670 crore rupees to be paid.

         What do the above two budget figures tell us (140 crore people)?

          “So, if all the politicians here till date had run the country 100% on the constitution, this is the time to present a deficit budget, to pay off the debts, to make the rich richer and the poor poorer by corruption by taking loans in the name of false development, creating an artificial poor-rich gap. This system of creation seems to dominate us today.

             Both these budgets are given here as examples only. Similar history is like an ascending graph for the last 70 years.

         When the Nehru government took a loan of 2022 crore rupees to implement the first five-year plan between 1951 and 1956, then Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar had opposed him saying, “We should not celebrate festivals by taking loans.” When the report of the first five-year plan was submitted in 1956. To cover up its failure, the Nehru government announced the second five-year plan of 32000 crores (that too depending on the loan). Babasaheb Ambedkar had given the last warning that, “In this way, one day a mountain of debt will stand on the country.

          And today we understand the Mount Everest of the country’s debt in the last 70 years compared to the Budget 2022-23 and 2024-25. This shows how visionary the framers were.

              As mentioned above, if the share of income of a country is more on education and less on defense, then that country will develop in a culturally progressive way. The pace of Corona will not go away. Today our central government and almost all the state governments have 4 to 5 times the debt of their annual income today.

        This is the economic situation of every citizen of ours. Only the corrupt political leaders and chartered officials and employees and those who live their lives by considering corruption and dishonesty as ideals, are safe from this.

         Therefore, if countries like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan are in trouble, our country is also in trouble.

         “As long as economic and social democracy exists, political democracy will appear.”

           Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar means Mount Everest of financial debt was created, so as a result the Manipur case happened, which means social democracy ended.

          So common Indian citizens, time has not yet passed. Whatever religion you belong to, whatever ideal you have in front of you, force these politicians to run the country 100% on the constitution, no matter who is in power in that state or at the center!

        Let’s teach them this lesson by sacrificing, fighting, body, mind and money for one time….

      Only then democracy, constitution, country and humanity will be kind to us.

       Otherwise, we will offer a heartfelt tribute along with them.

    Author of Awakening

          Anant kerbaji Bhavare

     Constitution Analyst, Aurangabad, Renapurkar, 7875452689…