On the occasion of 150th birth anniversary, salute to the revolution for reinventing its democratic values under adverse conditions.!
When Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj started reservation in his state. Then a delegation of Sanatani Brahmins came to meet Shahu Maharaj to oppose this reservation. Then the delegation took him to his ground floor horse stable without saying a word. In front of the delegation, he asked the servant to put horse feed (horse food) in a big pot in the middle of the stable. He then ordered the servant to release all the horses. And then what happened.!
So the strongest and strongest among all the horses fell upon the food, and in no time they devoured the food. Those who were a little weaker and those who were the smallest and weakest got nothing.
When the food was finished, all the horses went to their pastures. After seeing this incident, not even a word came out of the mouth of the congregation opposing reservation. I suspect the delegation left there..!!!”
Such were the real kings of the ryots, who Chhatrapati. They appear as descendants of Shivaji Maharaj.
That’s why Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar says, “Don’t celebrate my birthday for once. But celebrate your Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj’s birth anniversary like a festival.”
So, triple greetings to such a revolutionary Lokraj from Anant Bhavare and his family as well as the group as a whole from all of us!
Anant kerbaji Bhavare
Constitution Analyst, Aurangabad, Renapurkar, 7875452689