If the officials are insensitive, shouldn’t the MLA be sensitive? — What kind of government and administration ignores the sand-thieving hyenas of the capitalists? — Should the public’s mineral wealth like sand and moor be looted?

Pradeep Ramteke


          During the tenure of MLA Kirtikumar Bhangadia, there has been and is continuing rampant looting of sand and moor mineral wealth. In such a situation, what can we say about MLAs who consider themselves competent staying silent while mineral wealth like sand is being looted?

          Competent personality, proper duty or conscious negligence under public service, it is better that MLA Kirtikumar Bhangadia himself explained to the citizens of Chimur assembly constituency…

          In Chimur taluka, sand is being transported to the neighboring district every day through “haivas”, the local responsible officials are continuously ignoring the sand thieves.

           This means that the local officials are aware of the sand being transported to the neighboring district of Chimur taluka every day and they also know who these haivas belong to. Similarly, it is generally seen that the local responsible officials also know who the sand thieves are.

            If the local officials are silently supporting the thieves who are stealing sand in Chimur taluka without fulfilling their duty, then the people of the taluka will surely say that they are also accomplices of the sand thieves!

             There is a discussion going on in the public mind that a huge amount of rupees is being collected from local sand thieves without taking any action. If this discussion is true, how much is being done from the sand thieves who are transported to the neighboring district every day The citizens of Chimur taluka also need to know that the amount is being recovered.

          If officers and employees who ignore illegal sand mining are being kept safe in Chimur, what kind of government and administration is this?