“When the common man looks into his own heart, and begins to think, Is this the land of the Tathagata Buddha…?
Is this the country of Swami Vivekananda?
Is this the country with Saint Kabir, saint tradition…?
Did the martyrs shed their blood along with their families for the freedom of this country?
Did Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar write the constitution for this country?
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, pioneer of social revolution, father of the nation Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, father of reservation Rajshree Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj, Vishwabhushan-Vishwaratna-Yugparvat Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar why is it Maharashtra?
While searching for the answers to these questions, one finally realizes that, oh..
Oh, this country belongs to Modi-Shah!
This Maharashtra is stuck in the mire of bad culture created by them..
As Manipur has been literally burning for one and a half years now (whatever the reasons), the World Commission on Human Rights has taken note of it…..
What the world media took notice of….
The soldiers who were martyred in the India-Pakistan war of Kargil. The crowd of more than 150 naked women of those soldiers…
This is readable after 3 months in a country with advanced technology. Still our Prime Minister does not bother to visit such Manipur….
On the contrary, foreigners are still busy doing wind. Olympic athlete Phogat, BJP leader Brijbhushan sexual abuse. Prime Minister does not bother to give justice to them, instead thinks more about the party.
The farmers of Punjab have been protesting in Delhi for one and a half years to cancel three black agricultural laws. In return, the world’s farmers have to be martyred over seven and a half hundred…
From the same border of Punjab, the Prime Minister of the country immediately flees to Delhi because of the danger to his life from the farmer of Punjab. Like, are we living in a pre-independence country?
The criminal who committed the Godhra carnage runs the country, the killer of Judge Loya runs the Central Home Account….
In addition to the above events, what can we expect during his tenure?
Because by using the weapon of terror, they and their followers have done the same in the country and in the state.
So these things happen…
But, in all this, the common people should be appreciated…
Who did not beg for his dirty politics. People of Kolkata took to the streets against the brutality and murder of MBBS student undergoing training…..
People take to the streets against the brutality of Akshay Shinde, the killer of Badlapur, on two children of that school.
A teacher of Zilla Parishad school in Balapur of Akola district commits obscene chala with his own students.
What do all these recent events and all such events so far tell us?
Are you saying that this is the culture of our country and state?
As the biggest democracy in the world is ours, we go to the world and spread the word. Democracy is in our DNA. That is why our Prime Minister walks around in bombast. It does not understand the simple rule that the existence of democracy is measured only on the parameter of protection of social justice for minorities…
Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar has given the right to liberty of life to every person and the right to free and compulsory education to every child between the ages of 6 and 14 as per Article No. 21 and 21 A of the Constitution.
And the morals of the teachers, professors, PhD holders in the same field of education should be overflowed and it should be proved through practice. From his example, children should be made, youth should be made, the future generation of tomorrow should be made so that the country moves in a bright direction, therefore teachers Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar recommended the highest salary to professors compared to others from the constitution itself…..
If such incidents are happening then this church is responsible for all this…
To sum it up briefly, the only solution is for everyone to prove their morality through action. There is no other solution..
Secondly, I have been repeatedly saying that if 100% of the rulers of the country and state had been governed by the constitution, this time would not have come upon us.
Actor Sunny Deol says in an Indian movie, “Chakku Chahanwala Ek Din Desh Chalata Hai…” is remembered without looking at Modi-Shah…
The solution to all these is total constitutional awareness and progress of all humanity
That’s it…..
Author of Constitution Awareness
Anant kerbaji Bhavare
Constitution Analyst, Aurangabad, Renapurkar, 7875452689..