Prof. Mahesh Panse
There has been a lot of controversy over the candidature of Congress in Chandrapur Lok Sabha constituency. Sudhir Bhau will also be waiting for the Congress candidature because he will also have to plan a strategy accordingly. Similarly, in this Lok Sabha constituency in the last constituency, A. B. There is no telling who will bring the farm. Even now, nothing new will happen, but if a candidate is given against public expectations, then something is wrong? This question is going to be raised and there is no indirect benefit. It is certain that it is going to fall in the ranks of Sudhirbhau.
A new Ramayana is happening every day from the candidature here under the Congress. In the beginning, the late MP himself. Dhanorkar’s wife A. Pratibha Dhanorkar rated the demand for candidature. Immediately, opposition party leader and Brahmapuri MLA Vijay Wadettiwar put forward his name. Pratibha Dhanorkari did not take a step back. Na.Vijaybhauni put her daughter Shivani Wadettiwar in the field of candidacy. Shivani expressed her strong desire by hoisting the Women’s Day banner in the entire field. A. Pratibha Dhanorkar remained a ‘stunt’ for candidacy on the basis of moral rights in her husband’s field. District President of Madhat Party. Subhash Dhoten’s name was floated.
Parashuram Dhote’s name was also mentioned. ‘Discussions in the streets, chaos in Delhi’ have started. All the leaders of the entire Pandharwada were involved in keeping their own ambitions. Candidate no. As compared to Mungantivaransi, we did not get to see the picture of thinking about how to maintain this place gained in the past. The opposition started working by planning a strategy, but Congress fans regretted that time was wasted in making each other’s programs. Still this candidate’s name is in the bouquet.
There is talk of giving option to opposition leader Vijaybhau Wadettiwar for candidacy. The candidature has not been announced till the end of this writing. come Pratibha Dhanorkar is firm on his decision. Leader of Opposition Vijaybhau Vadettiwar is a heavyweight leader of Congress. He currently has a grip on the party organization in the entire district. He is an undisputed politician. But don’t give him Lok Sabha candidature. How much money can be given to Mungantiwar? Or what is the exact reason behind Vijay Vadettivar withdrawing the candidature for himself? If the party has given this candidature, what is Vijaybhau’s benefit in this?
In the end, it is politics, even if it is the party’s decision, but if the stronghold goes out of hand, did Mr. Vadettiwar Saheb lose his memory as a leader who is trying to play the game of A. Pratibha Dhanorkar’s candidacy? Such finger pointing is going to happen from the majority of OBI voters..