“Don’t go to temple, don’t worship idols, don’t take loans from moneylenders, don’t be rustic, don’t believe in pothi-purana, mantra-tantra, devadevski, miracles.” He taught people throughout his life. Ranjale-Ganjale, who started Dharamshalas, Orphanages, Ashrams and schools for orphans in Maharashtra from the money from donations. Ranjale-Ganjale, Deen-Duble, Handicapped-Orphans are their gods.
He devoted his entire life to remove ignorance, superstition, naive beliefs, undesirable customs and traditions in the society. For this he adopted the path of kirtana. In his kirtan, he used to ask the listeners various questions and make them aware of their ignorance, vices and faults. His sermons were also simple and easy.
He used to say in his kirtans that do not steal, do not take loans from moneylenders, do not indulge in addictions, do not kill animals in the name of God and religion, do not follow caste discrimination and untouchability.
He considered Sant Tukaram Maharaj as his guru. He always said that ‘I am no one’s guru, I have no disciple.’ Gadge Baba also made abundant use of the exact Abhangas of Saint Tukaram from time to time.
‘From the naive man to the atheist, Gadge Baba easily engaged people of any age in his kirtan, convincing them of his philosophy. It is a task beyond my power, said Baba’s biographer Prabodhankar Thackeray.
Greetings to the holy memory of such a great national saint ‘Gadge Maharaj’ on his birth anniversary!
-: Greetings :-
the honor Savitatai Sonawane
National President –
Indian Social Movement.