Pradeep Ramteke
Chief Editor
Finally today the Home Minister of India Shri.To file a criminal case against Amit Shah under Section 4 of Atrocity and Section 302,352 of the Indian Code of Justice Act 2023, and IPC Sections 120 B, 153 A, B, C, 298,504,505 (A), 505 (2) Constitutional scholar Vinod Kumar Khobragade filed a serious report at Varora police station.
Plaintiff contends for life. Vinod Kumar Kavaduji Khobragade is a responsible and vigilant citizen and a student of law and scholar of the Constitution. He resides in Varora, a taluka seat under Chandrapur district and it is he who has filed a serious report against Union Home Minister Amit Shah.
The laws of this country are pundits, symbols of knowledge, crores of crores of society.
Dr.who is the God of brothers rather than God. About Babasaheb Ambedkar in Parliament, “During the two days’ debate on the Constitution of India, dated.
On 18/12/2024, “The single word Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar has become fashionable. “Had God’s name been taken, there would have been heaven,” was the absurd statement he made, speaking from his heart, to millions of Buddhists. The sentiments of the brothers have been hurt, ideally the sentiments of all the citizens of the country have been hurt.
Vinod Kumar Khobragade says in the complaint, it is Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s frequent monologues have been shown live by all electronic media. Due to this, Home Minister Amit Shah repeatedly used singular words Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar has been insulted.
They say I am distressed to see all this on TV, with me.
Crores of Buddhist brothers were distressed and started agitating, marching, protesting, issuing statements. He says in the complaint, Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s negligence.
The statements have disturbed the working minds of the Air Force, Army, Navy, created enmity between religion, race, caste, language, residence, group, acted as a constraint on national unity, hurt religious sentiments, created universal enmity, peace has breached, created enmity between two communities, using vulgar single minded language in Parliament, all through electronic media.
was broadcast and is a cognizable offence. Article 14 of Indian Constitution All are equal before law.
Mug, “PM, CM, DM, DC, CJI, IAS, IPS, whatever.”
He explained that everyone should remember that there is rule of law in our country and not arbitrary rule.
Our country India is governed by Article 77 of the Indian Constitution.
The State Government is governed by Article 166 of the Constitution of India…
In this country God, religion, temple, mosque, Vihar, church house are also given justice and rights through Indian constitution. All the best Indian Constitution Dr. Two by Babasaheb Ambedkar.
Complainant Vinod Khobragade says that everyone should remember that he has sacrificed years, eleven months and seventeen days alone to the Indian citizens on 26/ November/1949 following the historical events.
He has also given a message to the citizens of the country along with the government and administration that if anyone “disrespects the Indian Constitution, National Anthem and National Flag, they will be charged with treason as per Article 51C of the Indian Constitution.
Therefore, it is the right and duty of all members of society to protect the Indian Constitution.
Vinod Kumar Kavaduji Khobragade..
Responsible and vigilant citizens and law students and constitutional scholars and social activists and public servants and project victims.Farmers and RTI Activists, Residing in Warora, District Chandrapur..
Contact No:- 9850382426/8329423261