The people of the democracy, the innocent crawling baby, now come out of the innocence and save the democracy through the awareness and experience of the constitution.
There is no other option…
In the previous 5 parts, we have seen that all the four pillars of democracy neglected their constitutional and moral duty and left me (the people) in the scorching sun to feed me (the people) with cannabis, so that I remain intoxicated and just lie down. So that there is no risk of falling…
And Khushal was freed from the responsibility of taking care of me. But now that my cannabis addiction is over after 75 years, I am now conscious and have no choice but to show them their place. So I am now going to put away my four legs and get ready to run with two legs…
The rituals of the religion here had stopped me from becoming sane for the last 70 years. These four elders had systematically created a disarray for me as to how I would be stuck in it forever. For that, the constitution maker has organized the violation of Article No. 47 in the constitution and created a deluge of alcohol production so that I (the people i.e. children) will remain drunk forever.
But, my eyes are now forever opened from the addiction of last 75 years….
And all these elders will not only be aware of their moral and constitutional duty, but I will play that role. This will be my self-revolution….
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
When they were tortured and strongly opposed by the system here (which is based on sam, daam, fine and discrimination), only and only this…….
crawling baby…
This is to become strong and handsome as soon as possible to become self-reliant through awareness of the constitution, without any sense of revenge and change in mind, for me to become a rationalist + scientist = humanist…
Constitution of India was created only for me.
Likewise, the oath taken by the then Constituent Assembly to enact and adopt this Constitution upon itself, the same oath is applicable today, tomorrow and always at any time, so my duty has increased greatly.
Today in the period of 2024 and henceforth permanently, if I (the people) want to perform my duty publicly, it is to prove my duty by understanding this constitution beyond caste-religion and politics..
Then this CEC forced the EVM + VVPAT to take away our fundamental right to vote, forcing the CEC to hang it in front of the world.
Then to stop corruption all kinds of false development schemes which were created only for percentage, to force closure of those development schemes first…
Then, the practice of prostrating oneself to any political party leader, however big, should be stopped, so that the “Vibhuthi Puja” which is very dangerous to democracy, will be eradicated forever.
To achieve the above, we (the public) will suffer a little, there is a high possibility that our ego will be hurt, but the heart will not be hurt for sure. And this responsibility is especially on the college students youth and young women…
Because only bells can tie a cat’s neck…
For that, a church like us (constitutional awareness work) will always be with you.
We are not the ones to run away leaving the responsibility on you, rather if you don’t take the responsibility, we (I) are capable of taking that responsibility.
Because we (I) recognized the power of the Constitution…
Author of Awakening
Anant kerbaji Bhavare
Constitution Analyst, Aurangabad, Renapurkar, 7875452689..