Diksha Lalita Devanand Karhade
News Editor
3 kg of rice and 2 kg of wheat are being given free of charge to the citizens of Maharashtra state and all over India. Similarly, 35 kg of rice and wheat are being given to Antyodaya beneficiary families every month.
The scheme of providing free grain without providing employment is being implemented by the Department of Food and Civil Supplies. Under this department, 3 kg of rice and 2 kg of wheat are given as aid to the citizens, but the learned and knowledgeable citizens say that the system is a mental slave and intellectual helplessness to the citizens of the country is.
Plastic rice looks like this..
However, in the rice distributed by the Food and Civil Supplies Department through the fair price shop, plastic rice is mixed in a small amount and supplied to every taluk. Since all the rice is distributed to the customers (beneficiaries) through the fair price grain shop, the government and suppliers are behind mixing the plastic rice and distributing it. What exactly are the intentions of the contractors? It needs to be clarified.
Food and Civil Supplies Department is supplying rice to the students of government-private hostels and government residential ashram schools, recognized residential ashram schools.
This is what plastic rice floating in water looks like.
Along with this, the same rice supplied by the contractors is being used as healthy food for the students of primary and pre-secondary schools of Zilla Parishad.
Due to the supply of plastic rice, the health of crores of students and crores of citizens in the country cannot be denied. Ideally, what exactly is there in plastic rice? There are doubts about this.
However, why is rice supplied in plastic bags and what are the motives behind distributing rice in such a manner?