Let’s take the last 75 years of advice from elders who are all the caretakers of all the four pillars of democracy i.e. “innocent crawling babies”…
In the previous part-2, we briefly discussed the legislative body (Parliament and Legislature). Now let’s discuss the executive body (Central and State Governments).”
In the first decade after the country’s independence, the central government tried to run the country largely on the basis of the constitution, though not 100%. In this, the first and second five-year plans were implemented. Sincere efforts were made to achieve agricultural and industrial development. It is not important how much success was achieved in this, but the then central government did the moral duty of following the constitutional policy to some extent.
But due to India occupying and Pakistan Occupied Kashmir issue not being resolved, the issue of that wet blanket is still a hanging sword.
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s international isolationist policy (not joining the Cold War between America and Russia) has deprived us of globalization. So we could start the revolution in communication and technology late. Maybe if we had taken the side of democratic America at that time, I think surely democracy would have helped us to deepen…..!
Otherwise, if the country had been run on 100% Indian constitution even after adopting the separatist policy, the picture of the country today would have looked different.
In the second and third decades after independence, other developments were neglected as we came face-to-face with China and Pakistan.
It was during this period that the anti-constitutional forces got an opportunity after the emergency and in 1976 they attacked the protection framework of fundamental rights of the constitution by passing the 42nd amendment.
As soon as Savaj came into the stage like a goat sitting on the ground, he made a move. Since then, the anti-constitutional power was politicized through diplomacy and self-interested party politics started by finding loopholes between democracy and the constitution.
In other words, in just 25 to 30 years after independence, the country and the state gradually began to depart from democracy and the constitution. Due to the entry of caste and religious issues into politics, the coffers of the state and the center became empty while facing the problems arising from it.
Due to this, we have fallen behind the world in the field of education and culture in the constitutional and democratic way. In this field, due to which we were in mental slavery for thousands of years, we were unable to become a scientist + rationalist = humanist due to the same religious and irrational thinking.
Because the politicians here also expect the same, because it is easy to rule over a slave, all the political parties have started taking advantage of this mentality of the people by hanging morality and constitutional policy on the face of the world and doing politics only on the basis of diplomacy.
In the subsequent period, the anti-constitutional force became necessary as the opportunity arose. The people flowed as the current was created. While the central and state governments were ruling the country and the states, finding loopholes in the constitution and maintaining the rising graph of the deficit budget, the graph of inflation and unemployment also continued to rise.
That is, from 1985 to today 2024, the government failed to protect the interests of the minorities as all the political parties paid special attention to caste politics, gradually breaking away from democracy and the constitution. Because of this human rights were violated and we were promoted globally.
Since 2014, due to central government’s caste politics, extremes of diplomacy, rigging of EVMs, we have not only taken away our right to vote, but also made 80 crore people beggars by giving them free food grains. Therefore, the rich-poor gap began to increase rapidly. Finally, the artificial earthquake shocks that have been created on this earth till date are only due to the lavas coming out of the rich-poor gap……!
It started because of this. This has to be remembered here.!
Overall, the journey towards a democratic and constitutional country which started slowly in the last 75 years has finally come to a halt on caste and religious politics, because our democracy and constitution has gone to ICU, our future is going to be dark. The central government and all the state governments are solely responsible for this.
If all this is to be avoided, then the common people should go beyond caste-religion and politics in any way and wake up from the constitution and unite and take all the steps to save the democracy and light the torch of revolution through constitutional means. This is the only solution…
Author of Awakening
Anant kerbaji Bhavare
Constitution Analyst, Aurangabad, Renapurkar, 7875452689