The management of schools in Maharashtra will finally be handed over to Gujarat’s Adani Foundation… — Capitalist decision under the privatization of the school education department… — Will the doors of education be closed to the children of the poor going forward? — Finally, the BJP has started showing its true colors..

Pradeep Ramteke


          Whatever the purpose, but privatizing the education department with all kinds of distortions means sitting on the necks of the poor, exploiting them and throwing their children out of the educational stream going forward, this is the reality.

            Privatizing education means commercializing education. If education is commercialized, it is natural that the necessary educational fees will be charged in the name of maintenance and management.

           The poor citizen will not be able to pay the educational fees charged by the management every year. Due to this, their children will automatically be removed from the educational stream after some time.

           Finally, the BJP and its allies in power have started to show their cunning and mechanical difference against the people of Maharashtra by privatizing education. “They have not remembered the long struggle of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule, Rajshri Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj, and the pioneer Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar to open the doors of education to the children of the poor and the needy from all sections of society. What can we say about this action of theirs?

           The leaders of the BJP and their allies in power shout and shout that they will not allow the education of the children of the poor and the needy to be affected.

          But, after time passes, no one is anyone’s guardian, this is the political, religious, and social policy of the Manuwadis, this is what history tells us.

             However, what the Maharashtra rulers achieved by privatizing education was to expose the poor and their children and hit the future of their children with the heavy hammer of privatization… In the end, education was also sold.