Between the ages of 51 and 60, everyone naturally develops conceptual and moral maturity. By considering the vision, we start implementing it by making lasting decisions in the fields of family, social, political, educational, cultural, economic, national and international etc.
For that, it forces others to do the same by awakening their conscience. Disarms the people and forces them to turn their consciences in the right direction. That is, a true,
“An Indian citizen becomes….
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar expressed this expectation from us. That is why he included Article No. 19 (C) in the Constitution.
A citizen formed in such a way is ready to carry the burden of the country on his shoulders. But if a group of such citizens is formed, the burden of that individual becomes lighter and the country and society become culturally and holistically developed as an ideal India in the world….
Because it is at this age that every Indian citizen is ideologically and ethically able to discern truth – falsehood, skilled – unskilled, good – bad, true – false.
Similarly, one can easily understand the sacrifice, struggle, selfless dedication of life of the philosophers and great men of our country.
A citizen who is immersed in such thinking is a real Indian common citizen. For that he is far away from any kind of addiction which is harmful to the body. Moreover, the central and state governments are always ready to run Connecting 100% country to create such citizens.
Moreover the Legislature (Legislature and Parliament) also makes laws for the same. The executive (central government and all state governments) also strictly enforces this law.
As soon as there is a fault in this, the jury gives justice immediately without giving a verdict. Moreover, the fourth invisible pillar of democracy, if all the three pillars of democracy are deviating from the constitutional and moral duty, then the fourth pillar is the moral duty to fearlessly raise awareness among the people against them.
“Journalism, performs…
No, this is his constitutional and moral duty!
But in the last 75 years, as per the above definition, the system (legislature, executive, judiciary and journalism) has ignored the constitutional and moral duty, so the Indian citizen could not be prepared as per the above definition. This reality cannot be denied!..
The main reason for this is the encroachment of the Aryans (now Brahmins) with the bad culture of Sama, Dam, Dand and Bheda, which happened on this country four thousand years ago. His diplomacy was first implemented by all political parties.
After that, he joined the Executive, then the Legislature, then the Judiciary. After that, he entered into journalism. Finally, he infiltrated the common people and entered the house. That’s all, he cut one body into two pieces.
Therefore, because of these politicians and political parties close to this policy, our country is lagging behind in the field and going into a terrible danger zone. Especially in the financial sector, due to the Mount Everest of debt on the country and all the state governments, due to the debt of lakhs of rupees per capita, our farmers and people, inflation and unemployment. In the face of these, living – living is dying and dying – dying is living.
Because the Central Government and all the State Governments have taken out loans, taxes and corruption, only the rich will become rich and the poor will become poor. How long will we (Indian people) flow in such a stream…..?
The answer to this question is that the time has not yet passed. Today, now, from this very moment, understand the Constitution of India, wake up from it. Wake up others. And become an Indian citizen as per the above definition…
Otherwise, by drifting along the unconstitutional path created by this system, push your sons and grandsons into the same stream and become murderers and criminals of the future generation.
Official author of Jaguri
Anant Kerbaji Bhavare
Constitution Analyst, Aurangabad, Renapurkar, 7875452689…