Democracy is not just about elections……
It is a process of continuous progress for us and the future generation..
Workers of all political parties….
Just as the media between the public and the system is journalism, similarly the media between the voters and the leaders of political parties is you (workers).
For the past many years, you have been selflessly serving your leaders and political parties by dedicating yourself with your body, mind and wealth, whether it is elections or not, sacrificing your family and taking your party to the grassroots.
In this time of rush and struggle, even if your leader simply turned his hand behind your back, your chest would swell with self-respect….
However, today there are no more leaders who turn their hands behind your back. Moreover, even if there is a sincere worker, he is doubted and the trust he has had for many years is broken.
When such a time comes……
Then your heart cannot help but be torn.
What is the reward for serving for so many years? “Distrust”!
Leaders who sacrificed their lives for the struggle are no more today..
However, the voter who is connected to you is never the one who cuts the cord. Whether he votes for the candidate you mentioned or not is a different matter. But, it is this voter who shares your happiness and sorrow…
Has it ever happened that a worker has become a leader…..? (Leave one other exception)……
However, you who satisfy your hunger by eating Vadapav, who sit in the chair of power for years at the cost of your life. If you ever face financial crisis or need to go to the hospital…
“That worker” was yours for years, but in this election he campaigned for someone else, so how did you not know this child of a stone heart who did not even give you a simple gift?
The worker becomes in a state of “no house, no ghat”. Whatever financial benefits are obtained during the election harvest season, they only last for four and a half years.
However, due to the many ways of life that have gone astray, children cannot be given proper culture or even higher education….
Moreover, some people hesitate to give them even a daughter.
At such a time, you lose everything in life. You have to kill your self-respect. But even then, it is necessary to live for your family. Therefore, you live your life considering the servility of the leaders as wealth…..
You do…….
One day you will pay your heartfelt tribute!!!
But, in the end, the question remains that what is the value of your sacrifice, struggle, dedication?
You may not even find the answer to this question..
And if you ever find it, then the time will have passed!
Then activists….
First of all, you are a responsible citizen of this country. Every responsible citizen is the owner of the country. And the owner is the one who lives his life with self-respect and a firm neck, without being a coward for petty selfishness..
Then decide today that till today, you have worked for the leaders of various political parties. There was no benefit.
So if you work for the awareness of the Constitution at least until your last breath, then surely the future of your children, even if not yours, will be bright.
Otherwise, the worms will also be crushed along with the wheat……!
Ultimately, a worker is a worker. Whether he is of a political party or any social organization. He is honest with his duty with a pure heart. Neither the government nor the leaders appreciate his hard work (Use & Throw), nor does the society. Sometimes he is even evicted from his family..
But in the end, it is certainly true that only a worker recognizes a worker and expresses himself through help with body, mind and money. But even he faces limitations due to desperation.
However, if the worker is careful in time and devotes himself to turning the wheel of revolution of great men rather than the idleness of these leaders, then surely this same worker can live a contented life.
Then decide today that the breath of constitutional awareness and the progress of the country will benefit us.
There is no other solution..
Request:- From today till November 20, everyone should share all the posts that come daily for voting awareness on your mobile as many WhatsApp groups and Mo. No. If there is, upload it and make it viral…..
Challenger and awakening writer
Anant Kerbaji Bhaware
Constitutional Analyst, Aurangabad, Renapurkar, 7875452689…