Pradeep Ramteke
Chief Editor
Literal respect is given to farmers as farmers are the bedrock of the world and they are the basis of the citizens of the world. However, in this respect, if there is no good planning for farmers at the government level and if the right price for their grown goods is not given by the government level, then what is the meaning of the barren respect of farmers?
If the goods grown by the farmers are not getting the right price and the farmers are suffering, should we think that the government is indirectly killing the farmers? This question is posed to the cotton farmers.
A farmer sweats the future of his family while doing the work of farming. Every drop of sweat of a farmer includes his parents, wife, children and their life cycle.
When, even after the value of their sweat has been exhausted, the crops do not yield properly, the hands and feet of the farmers tremble and their hearts become sad and their hearts become heavy and their eyes water. Darkness spreads in their vertical life and the mountain of problems again and again darkens their legs. Can the Maharashtra government be identified with the central government? This question is a bitter one.
When the crops planted in the field do not come out and a year’s life is not reflected in the price of the farm goods, some farmer is asking for death every day, it cannot be noticed from the statistics of farmer suicides.
However, when it is realized that the corrupt government is consciously avoiding to give fair price to the agricultural produce of the farmers, then the rulers repeatedly say that we are the kaiwaris of the farmers from the stalks of Bembi.
When doing politics, if the rulers find the realization of the tragic and heartbreaking deaths of the farmers and their priceless labor to be ridiculous, then it must be said that such rulers are mean and opportunistic.
It has been the experience of till date that during the tenure of power of BJP and allied parties, farmers do not get proper price for their agricultural produce.
They are elected on the basis of farmers’ votes and MLAs enjoy power as MPs, travel with safety in red-light cars, take all kinds of facilities with an open mind, live a life of dignity, exercise their rights as privates and MLAs.
However, when the rulers become rulers, they always cheat and embarrass the farmers without giving them a fair price, and indirectly persecute the farmers, the roles and methods of such rulers must be called anti-farmers! And this is the bitter truth.
Some sons of farmers and some farmers are close to the ruling parties or opposition parties. They must be active and participate in politics. Because in politics the task of power generation is all-giving.
But, it should be noted that if the rulers are stabbing the farmers in the neck by bringing them closer to the farmers and not giving them a fair price for their agricultural produce, then the farmers must push away such rulers.
Only then will the politicians and rulers appreciate the farmers and give the right price to the agricultural produce of the farmers?
The party of the farmers is only one, that is their vote power which always gets the right price for the agricultural produce of the farmers.
Rather than sticking to any political party, farmers should vote for candidates who will give fair value to farmers’ agricultural produce and take a positive role to brighten the future of farmers’ children.
Otherwise, it is seen that the politicians will always victimize the farmers by indirect means without giving proper price to the agricultural produce of the farmers.