Pradeep Ramteke
Chief Editor
Cultivating the legacy of the thoughts of the 16th century saint Shri.Santaji Jagannade Maharaj, on the occasion of his birth anniversary, a grand procession of “Sant Shri.Santaji Jagannade Maharaj” will be held at Mauja Bhisi in Chimur taluka under Chandrapur district on December 8.
To speed up their work, to adopt their thoughts of preserving human values and to give them a hearty salute,” a grand procession has been organized by the Teli Samaj brothers.
The voice of saints and the land of saints are limitless. It is a pure reality that as time changes, the true thoughts under their voice are changing and the society becomes thoughtful, the society becomes aware, the society becomes united, the society improves, the society becomes dynamic.
This is reflected in the changing thinking of Teli Samaj brothers in Bhisi.
Keeping the society united, cultivating the highest interests of the community members, uplifting the society by giving the highest place to the community, bringing the community members closer to us on the basis of equality, protecting them, nurturing their interests, adopting the thoughts that there will be no ill feeling towards anyone, is Sant Shri Santaji. It is the teaching of Jaganade Maharaj.
Saint Shri.Sataji Jaganade Maharaj, who served the public welfare through kirtana and bhajans while living in the presence of Saint Shiromani Tukaram Maharaj, was a person who preserved his sharp intellect.
After the death of Sant Shiromani Tukaram Maharaj, Sant Sri. Jagannade Maharaj continued his work of social service and gave great social awareness through his voice. What is more, the “Ambhag Gatha” written by Sant Shiromani Tukaram Maharaj, was tried to be destroyed by drowning it in the river bed of Indrayani. Intersecting it, Saint Shri.Santaji Jaganade Maharaj rewrote the epic saga of Saint Shiromani Tukaram Maharaj, which was in his mouth, and kept the eternal knowledge of social justice and social transformation burning.
The great work done by the saint of social enlightenment Mr. Santaji Jaganade Maharaj is an inspiration to all, despite the current unequal brutal oppression attitude and injustice.
If we consider the current situation of inequality, Sant Shiromani Tukaram Maharaj’s vigorous social service work against the persecutory system and rewriting Sant Shiromani Tukaram Maharaj’s Ambhag saga means that Sant Sri.Santachi Jaganade Maharaj was a great intellectual capable and self-confident. Sant Shree.Santaji Jaganade Maharaj was one of the fourteenth Talakara of Sant Shiromani Tukaram Maharaj. This means that it is clear that Sant Shiromani Tukaram Maharaj was very close to Saint Shree.Santaji Jaganade Maharaj.
Sant Shri. Santaji Jaganade Maharaj was born in AD. He was born on 8 December 1624 in the village of Mauja Sudumbare in Mawal taluka of Pune district. His mother’s name was Mathabai and his father’s name was Vithoba Jaganade.
The situation in the house of Saint Shri.Santaji Jaganade Maharaj was good. His parents were influenced by the thoughts of Shri.Vithu Mauli, so there was a good religious atmosphere at home.
According to the current tradition, marriage was done at a young age. Due to this, Saint Shri.Santaji Jaganade Maharaj was also married to Yemunabai at the age of 12.
Bhisi and Saint Shri.Santaji Jaganade Maharaj…
Sant Shri.Santaji Jagannade Maharaj is a pure and holy spring of great thoughts always flowing. His thoughts are inspiring and connecting all the society.
The Bhabha Yatra of this great saint is taking place on Friday 8th December 2023 in Bhisi village in a very dignified and holy atmosphere.
Paying respect to the great saint Shri.Santaji Jaganade Maharaj, “Blessed are all the people and blessed is the Teli Samaj, who took out the Shobha Yatra, from Mauja Bhisi”.