Why do those who do injustice to the Bahujan community have to take the word “Hindu” as a basis?..


Pradeep Ramteke


            In the history of Indian social structure, the Bahujan community has been constantly facing injustice, exploitation and atrocities. The so-called upper caste system has given this community only ignorance, poverty and slavery.

          There have been some improvements in the decades after independence, but even today the walls of the caste system are as strong as ever. Especially when the Bahujan community raises its voice for its rights, the forces that do injustice to them have to put forward the word “Hindu” as a shield to protect themselves.


Why is Hinduism used to hide injustice?

           Hinduism and Hindu society are two different things. The caste system, which has been unjust to the Bahujan community for centuries, has been used as a part of Hinduism.

          However, when a voice is raised against this injustice, the wrongdoers present themselves as Hindus and call those who raise their voice against them “anti-religious”.

          Hindutvaists consider people fighting for the rights of the Bahujan community and their movements dangerous. Due to this, the issues of the Bahujan community are given a religious color and attention is diverted from the main problems.


Historical incidents of exploitation of the Bahujan community…

1. Social exclusion and untouchability…

           Caste discrimination was created on the basis of Manusmriti and the Bahujan community was trampled underfoot for thousands of years. They were kept away from even the basic rights of food, water, education and employment.

2. Landlessness and economic slavery…

         A system of economic exploitation was created to prevent the Bahujan community from getting land. Dalits, tribals and backward class communities are still largely landless, and upper caste people have built their wealth on their labor.

3. Restrictions on education and knowledge…

           Restrictions were imposed on the Bahujan community from ancient times to prevent them from progressing through education. The Brahminical system kept the Vedas, Upanishads, scriptures and writing under the monopoly of the so-called upper castes.

         Even today, in many places, Bahujan students face discrimination in schools and colleges.

4. Attempts to deprive them of political power….

         The movements of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Chhatrapati Rajshri Shahu Maharaj, the pioneer-constitution maker-world-famous great Pandit-world-renowned great social reformer Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar created awareness in the Bahujan community.

           However, attempts were made to prevent the Bahujan community from participating in power in various ways. Even today, conspiracies are hatched in many places to eliminate the Bahujan leadership.


Hypocrite use of Hinduism…

1. Use of religion to maintain casteism…

          India has given equal rights to all citizens in the Constitution, but in reality, the caste system has continued to exploit in the name of Hinduism.

          If anyone raises his voice against caste exploitation, he is considered anti-Hindu.

2. Describing the issues of Bahujan Samaj as anti-religious…

         When Bahujan Samaj demands its economic, social and educational rights, it is falsely propagated that it is anti-Hinduism.

        When Bahujan Samaj demands its rights on issues like reservation, temple entry, participation in religious ceremonies, their demands are termed as anti-religious.

3. Attempts to eliminate Bahujan leadership…

          Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj, Bodhisattva Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar strongly criticized the exploitative system in Hinduism, and Bahujan Samaj tried to carry forward their legacy.

         However, every leader who carries forward their legacy is being considered anti-Hindu and attempts are being made to misguide Bahujan Samaj.


Current situation…

            Even today, incidents of exploitation of Bahujan Samaj are continuously happening. The number of atrocities committed against Dalits, tribals and other backward classes is on a large scale.

           It is a fact that in many places, people from the Bahujan community have to face humiliation in public places, are denied entry to temples, and their progress is hindered.


What is the solution?

1. Increasing social awareness…

     The Bahujan community needs to know its rights using education, information and technology.

2. Struggle based on the Constitution…

Struggle based on the thoughts of Phule-Ambedkar needs to be increased.

3. Inclusive politics…

The Bahujan community should increase its political power and participate in the decision-making process.

4. Effective use of media and literature…

Effective use of media and literature is necessary to raise voice against exploitation and injustice.



The word “Hindu” is often used to hide the injustice and exploitation of the Bahujan community.

The so-called upper castes do not tolerate criticism of their system, so they call opponents anti-religious in the name of Hinduism.

However, the Bahujan community now needs to recognize this hypocritical Hindutva and fight for its rights.


The message given by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar…

“Learn, organize and struggle, is as important today as ever.


The upper caste system…

         In India, the upper caste system is constantly keeping the majority of the Bahujan community divided by opposing reservation and through this, making them powerless and always keeping the share of only the upper caste in important positions in the government and administration above 90 percent.

        The Bahujan community is being weakened by keeping them politically, socially, economically, and educationally backward, making them economically and culturally disabled, and the next step is to strengthen the system that enslaves the Bahujan community in India…

         If we look at the ideological and power-consuming path of all political parties in India, “Apart from the Bahujan Samaj Party, there is no other party in this country that honestly and with character protects and protects the entire interests of the Bahujan community.”

          However, it is still premature to say when the citizens of this country will “recognize their own rights and their immense power within them.”