The right to vote in a democracy is more valuable than our lives…

          Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Just as oxygen is needed momentarily to keep our body alive, democracy needs the right to vote once in five years to keep it alive….. 

           Even if we get this opportunity only once in five years, we need selfless and sacrificial dedication to keep democracy alive more than the need for oxygen to keep its energy alive…

             Because all kinds of public happiness and suffering that come to us are created through democracy. Everyone is a participant in public happiness and suffering. In the happiness and sorrow of individual or limited groupism, only certain people have to benefit or suffer from it. It is from the polarization of this groupism that the suicide of democracy begins.

           Democracy is alive and burning to the extent that the power of conscience is collectively awakened by the genius power beyond the horizons of imagination in our hearts.

             But, for that, there is a need for a nurturing environment, conditions, culture. It can never be created by killing conscience forever. For that, a wise person or such an educated generation should recognize the state of Indian society and use their intellectual talent for this, that too through sacrifice and dedication. Diagnosis Even if we recognize the steps of time, then some hope will remain alive.

    Today all the four pillars of democracy are collapsing. This is because we have mortgaged all our self-confidence to leaders and parties. We have become like the smell of musk in the skin of a beast. We forget that Vibhuti Puja gives birth to Vibhuti Puja and stones on our own feet with our own hands.

             That is, the democracy that has the capacity to destroy my own, others, the whole country, the world, all kinds of suffering. No government system other than democracy has the power to stop or destroy the bloodshed. The Third and Final World War is dragging on because many countries have at least the skeletons of democracy since its inception.

           When there is so much power in democracy, when our continental country is built by democratic great men, the set of guidelines for growing this democracy is….

       Even though India has a constitution in only 75 years, are we deprived of that innovation without waking up?

          The only reason, at the root of it all, is our right to vote, which we get only once in five years, and for petty and petty selfishness, or for the hypocritical love of a leader, we are free to sell away the priceless weapon of our all-round security and become their slaves for the next five years.

          * This slavery is leading us to the suicide of democracy, constitution and country. This should never happen, that is why Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar has given the above message to us (Indian people) that the right of your vote in democracy is more important than your life!..

    Author of Awakening

        Anant kerbaji Bhavare

    Constitution Analyst, Aurangabad, Renapurkar, 7875452689…