Pradeep Ramteke
Chief editor
Shocking information has come forward that the Social Welfare Ministry of Maharashtra Government is treating the students of Sadar Samaj as advanuk and pidvanuk due to timely giving scholarship under Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Swadhar Yojana to the students of Scheduled Castes and Neo-Buddhists studying in the city.
Students belonging to Scheduled Castes and Neo-Buddhists who are economically poor and economically poor were not given hostel numbers, otherwise such students would have found it difficult to stay in the city and pursue higher education.
Due to this, Maharashtra government started giving scholarships under Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Swadhar Yojana Amlaat Anli and Yojana so that such poor and eligible students belonging to Scheduled Castes and Neo-Buddhists can get college education and higher education without any hassles.
The serious, worrying and distressing nature of this practice is that only the students who were eligible till the end of academic year 2022-23 or were still given scholarship.
The Chief Minister of Maharashtra state, Mr. Eknath Shinde, has a Social Welfare Ministry. The Social Welfare Ministry of the Chief Minister himself is not sensitive towards the students of Scheduled Castes or the students of this social section do not show their desire to get education without any strings attached, there are incidents that keep the scholarship in abeyance.
According to the guidelines of the Central Government, the post-matric scholarship to be sanctioned by the Tribal Department for post-matriculation higher education to the Scheduled Tribe students in the state, “The Minister of Tribal Development is giving timely scholarship to the tribal students, but the Chief Minister Mr. Eknath Shinde is not giving timely scholarship to the students of Scheduled Castes and Neo-Buddhists because of Vethis.” Earth? Will you make public a suitable answer to this question?
It is necessary for the MLAs who are public representatives to have definite information about whether all the schemes in the state of Maharashtra are being implemented properly or not.
The implementation of any necessary scheme should be done timely by the concerned ministers and ministers of the Maharashtra Government, including the Chief Secretary, Secretary, Joint Secretary and other officers and the correspondence written with them should be done by the Council of Ministers and their reply should be received from the concerned department in a timely manner.
The issue of scholarship under Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Swadhar Yojana for the Scheduled Caste and Neo-Buddhist students is very sensitive. Till date, Asantana, the only MLA in the state of Maharashtra, does not seem to question Chief Minister Eknath Shinde regarding the denial of scholarship. There are MLAs in the state of Maharashtra who are responsible for the implementation of every scheme. It is necessary to be dutiful, aware and sensitive.
Chief Minister Mr. Eknath Shinde has failed to provide timely scholarship to the students belonging to Scheduled Caste and Neo-Buddhist communities, thus his lack of duty and insensitivity is clearly visible. The Chief Minister has no concern for the future of the Scheduled Caste and Neo-Buddhist students and in his untimely manner, he is aware of the work of his Social Welfare Department, Ministry.
It is clear that Chief Minister Mr. Eknath Shinde is not serious about the bright future of Scheduled Caste and Neo-Buddhist students.