Pradeep Ramteke
Chief Editor
It has been made public that a protest march will be held through various organizations at Krantikari Chimur, a taluka under Chandrapur district, on October 9 to oppose the policy of contracting, privatization and school closures.
However, since the role of not including political party officials and workers in this march has come forward without being told by the organizers, are the political party officials and workers not deprived, exploited, victimized, unjust and oppressed elements of the society? I have started to face this question.
Along with hiring under contractualization, attacking the basic development and rights of the Bahujan community by privatizing, the Maharashtra government is starting a conspiracy to demoralize and enslave the Bahujan community by closing schools.
Such anti-Bahujan Samaj policy of Maharashtra government is unfair and oppressive to OBC-SC-ST-minorities and disenfranchised nomadic castes-tribes, citizens, students, educated unemployed, mothers in a way and exploiting them. Ideally depriving them of their rights. It is clear.
Therefore, it cannot be denied that the participation of all party workers in rural and urban areas is equally important to strongly oppose the anti-Bahujan Samaj policy of the Maharashtra government.
Because it is not important which party the party office bearers and party workers who participate in the protest march belong to, but are they ready and alert to fight against the Maharashtra government who is doing injustice and oppressing themselves and their own society, exploiting their society, depriving their society of their rights and rights? It should be noted that the organizers and all the people of Chimur taluka have got an opportunity to recognize this outrage on the occasion of the march.
Agraha Morcha is not to make me yours or to pretend and show magnanimity, but it is necessary to think with yourself whose society is to be protected in the long run and whose society is to be secured.
The office bearers and workers of the party who will not participate in the Awach Morcha will surely make it public that they cannot do anything for your welfare and protection and threaten to fight and struggle against their own party who is doing injustice, oppressing, exploiting and depriving the majority of the society. Careful care is taken to ensure that even those who are not among them can be singled out and the society can be saved from the functionaries and workers of those parties…