Pritam Janbandhu
Dakhal News Bharat
A great personality of a journalist, who is a great personality, who has made his unique impression through a fearless manner, who is firmly struggling with his selfless, fearless and duty -dominated responsibility, beating the situation in journalism. Creating identity, “News of News India’s surveyor and chief editor, our inspiration.
Even though a farmer’s family is born, the situation of the house is alarming, it seems to have made a successful way on the tough road, even though many difficult travels and difficult times have created their own progress.
Chief Editor Pradeepji Ramteke Sir has achieved many successes by overcoming many difficult situations that have come to the forefront, tolerant and strong leadership.They are contributing important to the problem.
At the same time,”News News India has been rooted in the hearts of the masses and has continuously accelerated the lives of every journalist in the News India family.
“Sikhs are the success of the success, we should continue to climb,
The fame is spreading in your sky..!
Your Daidisha keeps your daughter -in -law.
May the birthday be your joy…!
In the field of journalism, it has created a unique image of the masses, keeping its influence on the basis of unprecedented writing.
Chief Editor Pradeepji Ramtek sir is the procedure and inspiration of how to get the information about how to deal with the news, how to deal with the news, how to deal with the news, how to deal with the news…
“Does everything for others
It also forgets to do something for yourself too, in fact a respectable person with you meets very little in the world….”
Pradipji Ramtek Sir, the chief editor, who has brought along the Shidori of the fate, has received many fortunes in a few days in a few days, with many successes, all -rounder and impressive leadership…
Moreover, he has achieved unprecedented success by earning many awards on the strength of his selfless, fearless, work duty.
Therefore, it would be curious to describe the venerable activist of the venerable Sara from the next row of goodness.
“Your fame should be bright, your joy does not be included in the gaze…!
Similarly, the happiness satisfaction keeps falling into your position, your birthday is celebrated in a hurry.
Like the moon’s Chori, our lives should be growing, we get everything you want….
Birthday and all the time you come to your kirti village ….
A Sahib, your wisdom, stubbornness, chic, and appropriate dedication behind it are really admirable and inspiring. .
The words of the unlimited spelling readers are very similar to that of a poetic collection. Sarchary writing is similar to me. For me, you really have to be my ideal.
While doing journalism while doing journalism, Ramteke sir hesites, hesitate, many people, so many people have many misconceptions about them today.
But they did not stumble, but they continued to do the same.
Sir’s thinking is seen from his unprecedented editorial foreword, as it is called an all -round editor who displayed such a personal personality.
“Not as a person, but as a personality, people who live and have their own principles and honest with elements are less in this world.”
The overall career of Chief Editor Ramteke Sir is inspiring to many. Pradeep Ramteke sir has created his image in the field of journalism by overcoming many crises in a small village like Chimur taluka. Working in the post of Chief Editor, it is seen in the key to carrying out important responsibilities.
He is providing a great deal of good luck to his socially fundamental work, as well as a good wishes for the birthday.
“Every day coming to be like your mind, you should never have a moment of pain in your life…
All you have in your mind-you should get all the successes in your efforts, and you have a great life!
Pradeepji Ramteke sir, and the method of treating everyone very much in love with everyone, even with people who have the differences of thought, are very interesting to have a loyal relationship with their colleague, Ramteke sir, the conceptual of his colleague, Ramteke sir.
In today’s age of science, chickens can also be wings of eagle, but the crazy crackdown has to be in the blood, Pradeep Ramteke, his chief editor, Pradeep Ramteke!
Some of the men are very true and honest in their heart, but one of those men, Pradeepji Ramteke sir!
Our main guide, inspiration, keeping the emerging personality of the emerging and relevant thoughts by adopting the vision of the inspiration, keeping the life of the Chief Editor Sir, keep on flowing, his journey and his success. Rahot, “This is the case with the editorial board of the news, and the news family of the editorial board of India and the news fairy talented..!
The peak of the peaks will continue to do, ever look at my greetings, wish you long life!
“You, sir, very happy birthday! …